Sailing World Magazine has announced that the Reichel/Pugh-designed Melges 14 has earned its stripes as 2016's Best Dinghy
Sailing World Magazine has announced that the Reichel/Pugh-designed Melges 14 has earned its stripes as 2016's Best Dinghy, explaining that, "Any discussion of a modern singlehander will inevitably lead to a comparison with the Laser, which is the ultimate in performance and simplicity, the most prolific one-design dinghy of all time. It’s the benchmark. The Laser, however, is creeping toward 50 years, and not much about it has changed...The Melges 14, the judges agreed, is a righteous challenger to the Laser’s kingdom. It’s a boat that will make you want to drop everything, rig up and go sailing when the breeze is on. Given Melges’ success rate with and the support of its other one-design classes, big-fleet championships are only a matter of time." For specs, handling, price, demo availability and news about a one-design class rule draft read on at: